Vacancy – Operator – Wastewater Treatment Plant

Cayman Water Authority Invites applications for the post of:
Operator-Wastewater Treatment Plant
The successful candidate will be responsible for the efficient operation and maintenance of the Authority’s 2.5 mgd SBR Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) including equipment, buildings and grounds. The post holder will supervise junior WWTP staff.
▪ An Associates Degree in sanitary/civil/chemical/environmental engineering or related field and minimum 3 years experience in the operation and maintenance of a modern, computerized WWTP at a professional level;
▪ Or, minimum 5 years experience as Senior Superintendent, Supervisor or Chief Operator of a similar WWTP (treatment capacity of at least 1.0 mgd);
▪ The highest level wastewater collection/treatment systems certification available in the country/state/province from which the work experience was obtained;
▪ Hands-on experience with the operation, maintenance and repair of submersible pumps, diffusers, blowers and other related equipment and instrumentation;
▪ A good understanding of wastewater treatment biology, occupational hazards and standard safety precautions;
▪ Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision, have good organisational skills and ability to meet deadlines, and have excellent communication skills.
The Water Authority offers competitive salaries, an international medical insurance plan, pension plan and generous vacation benefits.
The salary range for this position is US$42,700 – $64,000 per annum.
Please send applications, including cover letter and resume to:
Chief HR Manager,
P.O. Box 1104, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, Cayman Islands;
Application Deadline: 1 March 2019
For information about the Water Authority and its role in the Cayman Islands, visit
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