CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 25 EUM Pt 1 Valerie Jenkinson

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No. 25 Pt 1

Topic: Effective Utility Management Presenter: Valerie Jenkinson, CEO, World Water and Wastewater Solutions LTD. (WWWS). For many years training in the water and wastewater utility sector tended to focus on technical competency and the retraining of operators. Most operations in utilities are run by engineers who have had little exposure to the business side of running the utility. To aid utilities the Effective Utility Management (EUM) concept was developed by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the American Public Works Association (APWA) and other bodies as a tool to help water and wastewater managers enhance the stewardship of their infrastructure, improve performance in critical areas and respond to current and future challenges. The AWWA/WEF concept of Effective Utility Management and its Attributes and Components are recognized globally. The EUM Certificate programme is the only one of its kind, customized for the water and wastewater industry and covers all aspects of EUM in a series of 9 two-day courses. All lectures and case studies are completely relevant to the participants and not off the shelf, general training. The session will create an understanding of what EUM is, and how utilities can become more effective and efficient by utilizing EUM.


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