Water Webinars 2021

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 27

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 27

Topic: Faecal Sludge Management and Decentralization

Presenter: Tim Fettback M.Sc. , Technical Advisor/Environmental Engineer, Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA) www.BORDA.com


CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 26 Courage to Lead by David Cory

Topic: Courage to Lead

Presenter: David Cory, Coach and Leadership Development Specialist

James Baldwin wrote, “Nothing changes without first being faced.” But facing what needs to be faced takes courage. Effective leaders develop the courage to step and face challenges that threaten modern day organizations. What exactly is courage? How does one develop their courage?

Join David Cory, Leadership Development Specialist as he answers these questions and suggests a way forward to leaders at all levels of the organization.

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 25 EUM Pt 2

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No. 25 Pt 2

Topic: Effective Utility Management (EUM)

Presenter: Valerie Jenkinson, CEO, World Water and Wastewater Solutions LTD. (WWWS)



CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 25 EUM Pt 1 Valerie Jenkinson

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No. 25 Pt 1

Topic: Effective Utility Management Presenter: Valerie Jenkinson, CEO, World Water and Wastewater Solutions LTD. (WWWS). For many years training in the water and wastewater utility sector tended to focus on technical competency and the retraining of operators. Most operations in utilities are run by engineers who have had little exposure to the business side of running the utility. To aid utilities the Effective Utility Management (EUM) concept was developed by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the American Public Works Association (APWA) and other bodies as a tool to help water and wastewater managers enhance the stewardship of their infrastructure, improve performance in critical areas and respond to current and future challenges. The AWWA/WEF concept of Effective Utility Management and its Attributes and Components are recognized globally. The EUM Certificate programme is the only one of its kind, customized for the water and wastewater industry and covers all aspects of EUM in a series of 9 two-day courses. All lectures and case studies are completely relevant to the participants and not off the shelf, general training. The session will create an understanding of what EUM is, and how utilities can become more effective and efficient by utilizing EUM.


CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 24 Digitalization and Smart Tech

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No. 24

Topic: Digitalization and Smart Tech – A New Culture of Innovation for the Sector

Presenter: Marcello Basani, Ph. D. , Water and Sanitation Lead Specialist at the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB) office in Uruguay.


CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No21 Flushables

CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 21 Flushables by Robert Haller


CAWASA Webinar 2021 Series No 21

Topic: Flushables

Presenter: Robert Haller, Executive Director of the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), Operators Without Borders (OWB)

Overview: What is truly flushable? What does it mean if you call something flushable? Who gets to decide if it is or it isn’t? This has been a debate for over 10 years as more and more products are marketed as flushable. Meanwhile the impact of these products cause billions of dollars of damages to wastewater systems, threaten the environment and put workers at risk. Wastewater associations around the world have been trying to work with the industry to create a definition with a product standard we can all agree to…and we may be very close to a breakthrough. Robert will provide a brief history of the efforts to date and speak to recent developments and next steps