
CAWASA Webinar Series No 19 Water Storage Farm Pond Construction, Michelle Shah

CAWASA Webinar Series No 19 Water Storage Farm Pond Construction, Michelle Shah

CAWASA Webinar Series 19 Topic: “Pond Construction for Water Storage, Conservation and Flood Alleviation” Facilitator: Michelle Shah, B.Sc., (Eng). M.Sc. Water and Wastewater Services Management Description: A synopsis of the Water Management Programme by the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries in Trinidad and Tobago, under the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) which involves the design, preparation of estimates and tender documents, and supervision of execution of contracts that address flooding, irrigation and wastewater treatment and reuse. Within these projects, the Water Management interventions to prevent Flooding (sluice gate installation, pump supply and installation, desilting channels, embankment construction and repairs) are programmed based on Geographical Information System (GIS) records.

CAWASA Webinar No 18 Automation & Tech Kester Belgrove

CAWASA Webinar Series No. 18 Topic: Sustainable Development in Automation for Water Operations

Facilitator: Kester Belgrove B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, UWI, Post Graduate Diploma, Electrical Engineering, UWI, Engineer at WASA, Trinidad & Tobago. Among the universal challenges of water and wastewater utilities include: aging infrastructure, declining revenues, retiring experienced workers, increasing service level expectations, and more stringent regulators. In addition, many water and wastewater utilities are unable to access capital for modernization of of their infrastructure, and technological innovation. Our guest presenter will point us to possibilities for increasing efficiency through automation and new technologies.

CAWASA Webinar Series No 16 Intro to Groundwater by Candice Santana



CAWASA Webinar Series No. 16 Topic: Introduction to Groundwater for Caribbean Water Operators Facilitator: Candice Santana, Secretary, CWWA Groundwater accounts for as much as 70 to 90 % of the water supply in some Caribbean Islands. It is less vulnerable to the impacts of extreme dry conditions, as compared to surface water, while it is cheaper to treat and distribute, as compared to seawater. The learning outcomes from this session will include an introduction to groundwater, types of aquifers, and types of wells. Data collection from wells and well maintenance will also be discussed. There is an old proverb that says “you never miss the water until the well runs dry”, this session will inform us of where the water from the well came and how to protect it from running dry.

CAWASA Webinar Series No.15 – Water Loss Control Carl Yates

CAWASA Webinar Series No.15 – Water Loss Control Carl Yates


CAWASA Webinar Series No. 15 Topic: Water Loss Control Facilitator: Carl Yates, M.A.Sc., P.Eng, President, Yates Water Management, Member, Operators Without Borders

CAWASA Webinar No 14 – Basics of RO & System Considerations CaribDA

CAWASA Webinar No 14 – Basics of RO & System Considerations CaribDA

CAWASA Webinar No. 14 Topic – BAsics of Reverse Osmosis Theory, Principles and Design Presenters: Jerry J. Matteo, Nathaniel D. Weeks, Jess Salvador (Caribbean Desalination Association -CaribDA)

CAWASA Webinar Series Number 13 – Managing Anxiety and Stress by Sheree Baron

CAWASA Webinar Series No. 13

Topic: Managing Anxiety and Stress

Facilitator: Sheree Baron, H. R. Consultant, IMS-Professional Edge Coaching (Canada)

This webinar gave water and wastewater operators an opportunity to explore the real and perceived effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on their daily lives. It sought to identify tools and skills to manage anxiety and depression.


CAWASA Webinar Series No 10 Lessons from Hurricane Katrina Ronald Enns OWB

CAWASA Webinar Series No. 10 Topic: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina Presenter: Ronald Enns, Manager of Business Development at Kwantlen Polytechnic University specializing in continuing education. FEMA certified Task Force Leader, ICS 100/200, Canadian Rescue Services Certifications: FR3, Confined Space Rescue 2, Rope Rescue 2, Trench Rescue 2, Structural Collapse Rescue 2.