The Caribbean Water & Sewerage Association Inc (CAWASA) is a regional organization of water utilities dedicated to serving the growth and development of its members. CAWASA is the successor organization to the Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme Inc. (CBWMP Inc.) which was incorporated in St Lucia on November 30, 2001 under the Companies Act of Saint Lucia No. 2001/237. CAWASA Inc. was the successor organization to the Caribbean Basin Management Project which was incorporated in Barbados in 1996.

CBWMP Inc was amended to CAWASA on May 27, 2010 under Sections 213 and 216 of the Companies Act CAP 13.01 Revised Laws 2001 of St Lucia.

CAWASA was formed to continue and build on the work of the CBWMP Inc.

CAWASA Inc. activities are funded from a number of sources. Some of the main sources include: the annual subscriptions paid by full and associate members and revenue generated from implementation of programmes such as operator certification, staff training, regional conferences and management support services. In addition, CAWASA Inc. collaborates with regional and international organizations or agencies to coordinate the implementation of special projects funded from external sources.

CAWASA’s member utilities are:  Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA); Barbados Water Authority (BWA); Water & Sewerage Department, British Virgin Islands; Water Authority-Cayman Islands;  Dominica Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd. (DOWASCO); National Water & Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), Grenada; Montserrat Utilities Limited (MUL); Nevis Water Department; Water Services Department, St Kitts; Water & Sewerage Company (WASCO), Saint Lucia; Central Water & Sewerage Authority (CWSA), St Vincent & the Grenadines; Public Works Department, Turks & Caicos Islands